Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Happy Pancake Day

Well I'm sorry I haven't been as up to speed as usual. Lets start with Megan's birthday, for Megan's birthday we went to check out the tower of London. Did some beautiful touristy shots, walked on the south thames. We also checked out the markets, and got olympics medals. 

This was the entrance to the market that felt very harry potterish to me. Once inside there was lots of fresh food, you could even try many of the things sold there, olive oil, bread, pastries, cheese, fruit, veggies. It is a beautiful open market, and it reminded me a lot of the farmers market in Ithaca, just a little bit more upscale, and less artsy.  
Tower Bridge where you may have seen the olympic rings held up.  
Me trying to eat or throwing up the Tower bridge

Tower of London

Tower Bridge
Selfie at tower bridge

Thugging it out
Christina at tower bridge
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Sara and I  
Sarah eating off to the side on tower bridge 
Showing off my impressive muscles because I won an olympic medal for crossing the bridge

My bronze medal and I
The medals were made out of chocolate so I of course ate mine immediately but kept wearing it.
I thought these Lion statues at tower hill were gorgeous and I'm pretty sure made out of chicken wire very impressive

I think this is the first sunset I've seen here

It seemed poetic with the statue

So I went to my first Rugby Game ever it was England vs. Scotland. England won by a landslide. It was very cold and rainy, so we left at half time. Though of what I did watch it was very exciting.  The athletes were HUGE. I felt so tiny standing next to them. I think one man was literally twice my size. It is also very impressive how they use no padding what so ever. I would say rather enjoyable when the weather is nicer, though it was very entertaining to see them get all muddy.

After drying off Christina, Megan, Sara, Cedrick and I went to China town to celebrate the new year. We got Chinese food. I wanted lo mein but didn't see it on the menu we just assumed fried noodles was the same thing, its vey similar but the noodles are thinner. It is the year of the snake and everyone had creepy snake masks on. I was excited to finally celebrate Chinese new year. I have always been fascinated by it. I made  huge Chinese dragon head out of construction paper with my dad one year. I wish I saw the dragon this year, but I just missed him. There were supposed to be fireworks, but it was raining. I did see some in Hyde park on my way home Saturday night. They were rather pretty, but I did think they were gun shots at first so I ran until I heard the crackle after and saw the colorful lights. 

Christina, Megan, Me and Sara in China Town

The decorations were gorgeous. 

Today was pancake day so we all made pancakes. Pancakes here are a lot thinner here, they're more like crepes. Any way on fat tuesday the English celebrate pancake day, because it used to be that on lent all that people would have flour and eggs so they would make pan cakes, at least that is what my co-worker told me at work today. 
Christina with her Nutella and Strawberry pancakes
So Happy Pancake day everyone. I'll have a new post for you next week all about Ireland!

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